Considering the current era of the world, Animal Savehicle Company (ASC) designs a technological circuit. The system consists of motion sensors, sound sensors, touch sensors, buzzer speakers, an LCD screen, a potentiometer, a Bluetooth card, and a battery. Sensors are used to detect the animals when they enter the vehicle components. At this point, three different sensors are used. Motion sensors detect the animals' movement by detecting the sudden temperature change around them thanks to their body temperature. Sound sensors detect the animal voices such as meowing or barking. It uses the volume changes in the ambient to do that. Last but not least, touch sensors detect the contact of animals with the sensor.
In addition, ASC takes confounding variables and possible misleading factors into consideration and carries out controlled experiments on sensors. In the light of experiments, the sensitivity of the sensors is adjusted just for animal detection. Then, with expert opinions, all the sensors are placed in different parts of the vehicle. While motion and sound sensors are placed behind the insulation part, the touch sensors are placed in the engine traverses' front cradle. The types and the places of the sensors are determined to increase the accuracy of detecting animals. The visualized and elaborative expressions are illustrated in the animation below:
3D animation of settlement of the sensors
Another function of the system is deterring animals. Therefore, if any of the sensors detect animals, the system sends sound waves to ward off the animal. The sound waves can’t be heard by humans because they are arranged specifically for frequency intervals that can only be heard by animals. These sound waves are provided by one of the buzzer speakers in the system. If the animal is stuck in components, thus not being able to leave the vehicle, the system warns the driver about the animal. When the animal is detected, the driver gets a warning on the LCD screen, and another buzzer speaker warns the driver vocally, allowing the driver to get notified if the animal left the vehicle. Therefore, in case of being stuck, the driver understands the situation and calls the authorities to get help.

Digital image of the circuit
Furthermore, an application is designed for the system where the Bluetooth card and battery get involved. The battery enables the power to run even if the vehicle is at rest. The Bluetooth card provides the remote control for the application. Speaking of which, the application provides information about the animal entrance, the lifetime of sensors, and the phone numbers of authorities for every country. The driver can access the times of animals getting and leaving into the vehicle through the application. So the driver can tell if there is an animal before entering the vehicle. Another advantage of the application is knowing the remaining lifetime of the sensors. Even though the sensors do not require short-term maintenance, knowing when to see technical experts increases the efficiency of the system. Last but not least, the driver has access to the phone number of authorities. This information eases reaching authorities especially when an emergency happens.

The animation of Animal Savehicle